they are doing all the day.
single dog, single dog, why not be a gay
no more wait, no more afraid,
make him be a gay!
哈利得意的点点头,这首名叫铃儿响叮当(jingle bells)的儿歌是麻瓜界最为著名的圣诞歌曲,由美国音乐家皮尔彭特所作。每到圣诞节,全世界的麻瓜城市,无论是巴黎纽约还是北京莫斯科,所有的大街小巷都会回响起这首欢快活泼的歌曲。没有人可以抵挡它的魅力,包括狗。
why are you so alone,
on this peaceful day
everyone for one night,
you can only hit the plane.
it's snowing out side,
but no one gives you a hug.
let's raise our torches raise our gas,
let's fire all the couples.
f f f, f f f,
ff all the way!
fire in the hole,
fire in asshole,
kill all loves in the word.
you don't think to much,
wake up in this dream.
you are still a single dog,
no one beside you.
they make love once again,
you cry and eat paomian.
single dog, single dog,
single all the day!
no more wait, no more afraid,
let’s make him be a gay.