夜深,索菲躺在床上,辗转反侧睡不着,将白天抱住范昭的事儿回想了一遍又一遍,偶尔傻傻的笑出声来。莉莉给吵醒,进屋看见索菲兴奋的脸蛋象个光亮的红苹果,遂道:“my lady, may god bless you, you look so happy!”
索菲想起明儿要给范昭画肖像一事,对莉莉道:“lily, i ask mr fan drawing me a portrait, do you know”索菲说完,才意识到自己弄错了对象。
莉莉打趣道:“a portrait of you, what portrait, as naaked as you were bo”
索菲骂道:“wicked lily!”
莉莉忍住笑,道:“dear lady, i’m afraid the cathay woman don’t have naaked portrait, they are dressed head over heels even in hot day that’s very fantastic(小姐,天朝女人古怪的。大热天也要把衣服穿到脖子,只怕没有**女子肖像呢。)”
莉莉道:“my lady, you said there exist quite a few portraits of naaked woman in french court, they are usually very noble, mrs d’estrées of king henry iv, for instance(小姐以前说过,在法国宫廷里,有一些**女人的画像,但她们很高贵。比如法国国王亨利四世的d’estrées夫人。)”
索菲道:“cathay is not france, mr fan is not henry iv either forget it(天朝不是法国,范先生也不是国王亨利四世。这事儿怕是不成呗。)”
莉莉道:“you have been engaged as the baron arranged, my lady, the baron may blame you if he knows you love mr fan(男爵已经给小姐定了亲,小姐这样爱范先生,男爵知道了,要责备小姐的。)”
索菲道:“that careerist’s son, no romance, no bold, always fiddling with his odd apparatus around in a room, how can i love him ( 我才不喜欢那个野心家的儿子呢。他只知道整天呆在一间屋子里摆弄古怪的仪器,不浪漫,也不勇敢。)”
莉莉道:“but his father, william cavendish is opt to be chief cabinet financial secretary, the cavendish family is the famous nobleman in devon county, and charlie is the el